Leo Olsen Guillot is a social media marketing genius. His management consulting agency Mastermind.com has made millions by maximizing the potential of social media ads. According to Leo, “If there is such a massive platform to promote your brand on, take this opportunity!” But many people cannot figure out whether to go with organic social media marketing or paid marketing. Leo believes that both are two sides of the same coin. They work towards a common goal: to make your brand popular and Increase sales volume.
The benefits of paid social media ads
Leo has no problem with social media ads as long as they deliver the results they want. However, in his experience, organic social media marketing takes time to deliver the kind of response you would normally expect. You may not want to start your business and make your first hundred sales after a few months. However, if you rely on organic social media, you might have to wait. This is not the case with paid social media.
Paid social ads are available instantly. Your ads may appear frequently on your target audience’s homepage. You don’t have to rely on the social media website’s algorithm to make it appear like a personalized ad. Paid ads use various props such as text, carousels, images, and videos to help engage your audience. The more innovative you make the ad, the more chances you will create to get a better response from your audience.
Diversification of social media marketing
Leo Olsen never limited his marketing campaign to just one platform. When he started Mastermind, he never missed an opportunity to talk about his brand on various social media websites. He explained, “Suppose you are making a movie. Would you like to publish it in just one theater? No right? Then why are you restricting your advertising campaign to just one social media platform? If you consent to the use of paid ads, then you should do nothing to make your investment worthwhile. From Facebook to LinkedIn, your ad should appear on every relevant social media platform.
Most importantly, paid ads give your business a boost that it can use to reach its target audience quickly. Imagine waiting months to get satisfactory sales volume when you can get it in half the time.
Does that mean organic social media marketing is irrelevant?
According to Leo, organic marketing is and will remain irrelevant. Paid social media gives you a kick start for brand awareness. Organic social media will drive your brand forward. So you’re Use your money that’s the most important. Whenever you gain a little space on your audience’s wall, it’s your responsibility to make sure your time is worth it. From content to pictures or videos, make sure everything is top notch so your audience doesn’t want to skip the ad right away.
Once you’ve made an impact with your paid ads, you can let organic social media take over. Paid social media ads helped a lot when Leo started his businesses. His social media advisory services include in-depth discussions about why and how paid ads can make a difference to your brand.
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